Fostering with HSWHow do I give pet fostering a try?
Foster parents make an enormous difference in the number of animals euthanized each year because shelters don’t have space for them. It is important, valuable work and, best of all, it saves lives. Most of the pets in need of foster care at HSW are medical cases, hospice care, kittens, pregnant cats, and bottle babies.
When you are ready, complete our foster application. And our foster coordinator will be in touch within 5-7 business days. They will go over common foster scenarios, what’s required, and answer any questions you may have. There may be some training involved. We will have you sign our Foster Agreement, and provide you with a copy of our Foster Handbook.
Is it okay to have other pets and foster at the same time?
For the safety of your pets and the foster animal, it’s important to keep your pets up-to-date on vaccinations. In many cases, the foster pet will need to be isolated from your own pets, either temporarily or throughout the foster period. The foster coordinator will talk to you to determine what’s best in each situation.
Who pays the basic care expenses?
We prefer that foster volunteers pay for day-to-day expenses such as food and litter, but we can help if necessary.
What happens if the animal gets sick?
We handle all vet expenses if the animal gets sick or hurt.
What if the foster situation isn’t working out?
If the foster situation isn’t working out, we will seek an alternate foster home for the animal. We only ask that you give us sufficient notice, to give us time to find a new situation.
Can I adopt my foster animal?
Yes! You may apply to adopt your foster animal. In that case, the normal adoption procedures apply.
How can I help my foster animal get adopted?
Take lots of photos and short videos of your foster pet. Help us personalize their bios. Do they love sleeping on cozy blankets, jump at the doorbell, love strangers? The more information we have on a foster pet the easier it is for us to match them into a potential forever home.
What if someone wants to adopt the animal?
If a potential adopter expresses interest in the animal, you can let them know they’ll need to fill out an adoption application. And ask them to get in touch with the foster coordinator.
The Humane Society of Walden reserves the right to refuse a foster for any reason.