During “kitten season” (starting in April and ending early October) every animal shelter and rescue across the country fills up and continues to get dozens of appeals to take in orphaned kittens or pregnant mothers.

During “kitten season” (starting in April and ending early October) every animal shelter and rescue across the country fills up and continues to get dozens of appeals to take in orphaned kittens or pregnant mothers.
Fewer Trips to the Doctor: Seniors who own dogs go to the doctor less than those who do not. In a study of 1,000 Medicare patients, even the most highly stressed dog owner/guardians in the study had 21% fewer physician contacts than people without a dog.
Cats are territorial, and in general they don’t like to share. A cat who’s unhappy about a newcomer may express his displeasure by fighting with the other pet and marking territory (peeing on the floor, wall, objects).
When the new dog enters the home, territorial instincts tell the old dog that he is to defend his home.
I will lend to you for awhile a puppy, God said, For you to love him while he lives and to mourn for him when he is gone. Maybe for 12 or 14 years, or maybe for 2 or 3 But will you, till I call him back take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you...
Most Shelters have a lot of pit bull dogs. The pit bull "breed" is a combination of many breeds They come in all sizes, shapes and colors, short and stocky, lanky and leggy. It's easy to identify the pushed in snout and brindle coloring of the boxer, or the low-to-the...