As January bids us farewell, we’re thrilled to share some heartening news — a remarkable 41 adoptions took place during the first month of the year. This signifies not only a great start for the animals finding their forever homes but also a positive stride for the community that supports them.
With each adoption, a story of hope and happiness unfolds. This number may seem like just a statistic, but behind it are countless tales of families expanded, hearts mended, and companionship found. It’s a testament to the community’s collective effort to make a positive impact on the lives of these furry friends.
We want to extend our deepest gratitude to all those who opened their hearts and homes to a new furry family member. Your decision to adopt not only changes the life of the pet but also adds immeasurable joy and love to your own lives. Your choice makes a difference, and it’s heartwarming to see so many people choosing adoption as the first option.
The Humane Society of Walden’s January success is a beacon of hope and positivity, setting the tone for a year filled with compassion and caring. To those who brought love home through adoption, thank you for making a difference in the lives of these animals. Here’s to more heartwarming stories, forever homes, and wagging tails in the months to come.
A Special Adoption Story

🎢Sometimes as the days come and go here we refer to it as a rollercoaster ride… we have really high highs ⬆️where we are on top of the 🌍 world then….swoosh we drop ⬇️…
🐾Remember our coolest chunky beagle boy Opie?
He was thriving in his adopted mamas arms and making great strides with his continued weight loss.
Unfortunately he went to the rainbow 🌈 bridge after only two months, short in time yes but those were most likely the most fulfilling months of his life. We were estatic when he was adopted by Lori, he had lots of meets but no one was eager to commit to him after meeting him in person. Lori called- we were point blank transparent- and Lori didn’t bat an eye at his needs…we all cheered at his updates and beamed at his weight loss! She gave him what he deserved and that was genuine love and connection. Sleep in peace Opie 🐾🌈
But remember the rollercoaster? 🎢
Lori reached out soon after about another one of our loveable but looked over pups here. 💫Miss Guinevere aka “Gwen”💫. We half joke that Gwen has no off button🙉. Add that to the past couple months of concerns with her health🩺, Gwen is a harder to place pup. She didn’t fit the checklist that a lot of adopters were looking for. Gwen’s been a great pup for volunteer walks and outings…she’s always happy even when she wasn’t feeling her best.
Once again we were very transparent about Gwen to Lori and… Gwen headed home today!
We are thankful for each and every adoption. It’s what keeps us on the “high” end of the rescue rollercoaster. But there’s something extraordinary about people like Lori that look at the true underdogs and say, “yup you’re home now”.
Hoping you girls have the best adventures. Thank you from all of our hearts here.
Some of January’s Adoptions
- Pretty pretty perla! Off to forever from Middletown Petsmart!
- Neptune has left the building! We just love 🥰 happy endings
- Rockland is rocking his way right into his new home! Happy life sweet boy.
- Our snuggly snaggle toothed sweeet boy Max won over his new parents today and is headed home! Happy life little nugget.
- Tyrion! Headed out today after making his new mama swoon after their meeting last week. A match made forever ❤️ happy lives to all ❤️
- Happy life sweet Sandy!!! Adopted from our Middletown Petsmart adoption center!
- Chewie is going home 🥰
- Our pup… yes PUPPY, TONKAs parents came and finalized his paperwork after fostering him the last few months. Happy life big guy!
- Bella our pint sized meatball went for a sleepover before the storm… looks like she hooked them! Happy life Bella and crew😍
- Arthur Mcbooty! Headed out ✌🏼